Blue & White Taxi Covid-19 Protocol
Hospitals, Counties and other Accounts are relying on the efforts by Blue and White, ABC, Rainbow, Red and White Taxi and Riide who was recently awarded the Community Hero award by MTM in our efforts to help move people safely during these uncertain times.
In a response to fight the spread of Covid-19, we have teamed up with Enviromasters to electrostatic spray our vehicles every Monday. This spray continuously fights the spread of viruses for over a week creating a barrier that kills disease on contact not allowing viruses to survive. Electrostatic spraye
On top of using electrostatic prayers that kill 99.9% of germs/diseases,we have installed plastic air tight barriers on most vehicles to protect both passenger and driver from spreading Covid. If you prefer to ride in one of these vehicles, please be sure to request a cab with a plastic air tight barrier.
After each passenger gets out our drivers will clean and wipe down all the major touch points using sanitizing cleaning options. More importantly, all of our drivers wear proper personal protection equipment (PPE) gloves and masks to ensure we are not part of the spread of the virus. Since Minnesota is our home, we want to ensure the safety of our local community to help get people to their destinations safely while fighting the spread of Covid-19.